Saturday, August 29, 2009

I love the odd things we see in the places we live. Sometimes they seem so normal to us...but to the outsider they seem so odd. Other times, we continue to thing they are odd...or we come to a new place, or even a familiar place and notice new things. Things that just don't fit. Now living in the city I cracked up one day as the ice cream man drove down the street. Growing up I always saw the ice cream man in my travels. It was always this truck with a "beautiful" song coming from its speakers. Pictures of ice cream plastered on its side always accompanied by a friendly face. In fact, we even had one come through our small town a couple times one summer. But this time when I saw the ice cream man coming down the street, I couldn't help but laugh at the different sight I saw. Words cannot explain just make your own comments regarding the sight I saw.

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